This Covid nonsense is getting on my nerves but shootings continue at an even more rapid rate.
I have started going through my Summer Duke Law Blog offerings and have decided to post a few that are pertinent to this blog.
Here are a few;
Exploring public carry reasonings:
On the ideal of self defense:
Heres one by a person looking for validation by pitting one part of religion against the other:
Exploring self defense as it applies to the McCloskeys in Missouri:
Up Soon in the Tennessee Law review; Assault weapon lethality:
Giving local municipalities warring capabilities:
The SCOTUS Gun Watch. This is the last installment for the summer before the Supreme Court break. This is one of the things that makes this blog interesting to follow. The gun watch follows all Supreme Court cases that might even remotely affect gun ownership and use in the U.S :
What is a "Super-Statute" when it comes to firearm laws? :
If you read my book, you know what I think about magazine limits on semi-automatic firearms. Heres a little blurb on the Colorado magazine limit legislation:
Can you / Should you keep a gun in your vehicle while unattended at work or in a public parking lot? 24 states have weighed in:
Bostock v. Clayton County is about LBGTQ issues but like the decision in 2013 that tore apart the voting rights act, it has further reaching implications into other parts of our Constitution, including the Second Amendment. How? :
Exploring Smart-Gun situations and legislations:
What do you think about Gun-Subsidy as an approach to help combat gun violence?
In certain circumstance, "Standing Your Ground" in Florida includes against the Police:
That's enough for the summer. I will continue to post these within my other updates. if you are interested in this subject, perhaps you should subscribe to the Duke Law blog on your own.